domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

The Beginning of The Holy Book (preface, ch.1,ch.6,ch.10,ch. 11)

From the first glimpse of this strong writing I can already tell the magnitude of its importance. In my point of view it's the kind of writing that can transmit many different things to every body. One can understand it and have a different message from the other. 
It is also nice to hear some credit for the bible from the Jewish side. 
This book is not completely religious. It is political, social, and psychological. It can change someone's ways to think, if it gets into their skin. It is fantastic, it's a unique book, with wisdom from thousands of years ago, and full of mysteries to uncover. It reflects the situations, ad feelings of the people from the time, and will rise to tell us a story...
The death of the Queen, its like the death to the country, it's the face of it being torn off. But in the end the people are still alive and well... Live goes on, fast and well, as the chain continues for who knows how long. Each time a new queen, each time more books, and more achievements. 

The introduction of a new ruler, always  exiting at the beginning when they are young and naive. But as time passes the job just gets harder and herder. You would think that being a king or queen would be a piece of cake, but it certainly isn't. It is not a good system, and that is why we don't have it now days. To be a king leaves you with the responsibility of the people and the empire. You can't quite take the risk of messing it up. You can't undo, or replay, i the meantime you rule, you learn and gain experience. Hardships will be, and a companion they may have, because they will need all the help they can have. I admire some Kings. I admire the ones who respected other peoples, and were fair with the people. and this is what leads to be honored by your own people with something like a bible...

As it has been for all times, some groups of people do not always agree with the rest. Division came upon these thoughts of indifference. Division caused fights in the country, and finally the break up of some peoples called the Puritans, and the birth of the Lutherans, Protestants, and more branches of Christianity. Some people were frightened for the amount of power, or the ideas that could harm them from another group, or person, and because of fright and envy they managed to convince the peoples that the innocent were guilty. Guilty of life, of thought, and of leadership. The maximum punishment was applied to the faultless. Death, and then followed (if they were lucky enough to be dead by now) the profanation of their bodies. Mutilation, and the separation of the body parts was completed by displaying these grotesque sights to the public as a warning. 
So as for God's Secretaries, we can all be, we can all interpret in our own what what we read from god's book. We can all help the divine one. But as far as King James, he did nothing to provoke this chaos directly, he had no interaction with the people. 

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