martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

The Journey (Exodus 16-35)

"I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them wether they will walk in my law or no. An it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gathered daily. " (Exodus 16:4). 
In my perspective, this sis one of the most important moments of the journey from egypt to Eretz Canaan. This is because the people in the desert were hungry and thirsty, if they had trusted Moses on to leading them into the desert by God, they expected food too. So this was the first proof of faith that God had of whom really believed in him. Some of them gathered more than one ration of food, because they were afraid that they might not have tomorrow. The people who had enough were satisfied, but the ones who grabbed more, and this is one of the first moments that greed happens, there extra ration rotted, and they could not enjoy it, and for that matter, nor did anyone. When I read this part of the Bible in Hebrew, it said that this Mana tasted of whatever you wanted it to taste like. 
and this is why, this mistrust led to that long long forty year walk in the desert which walking normally it would only take about ten to fifteen days. God needed to wipe out clean all of the people which once had doubted him. And for new trustful generations to merge. Moses was included in this group of people, he sometime had not believed in God, and had doubted him and questioned his actions...
"Yee shall offer no strange incense there on nor burnt sacrifice, no meat sacrifice, neither shall yee pour drink offering there on. And aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it ones in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the year shall he make attonment upon it troughout your generations: it is most holly un to the lord." (Exodus 30:9)
and finally here comes one of our jewish first traditions: Not to mix meat with milk, and Yom kippur, the asking of forgiveness, and the sounding of the horn of the goat (Shofar).

In mount sinai Moses hiked and hiked for many days to receive the commandments of God. Finally he came down with the stone tablets. But what he saw was astonishing. His people had made a golden statue and were worshipping it. I imagine this every time I think about it. Moses this great leader having freed all of this people from slavery and no them being insolent by dishonoring God? This was exactly why God left them in the desert for forty years, he needed a pure keen. Moses dropped the tablets from anger,  and God was angry, so he had to go up again for days, to get new tablets.... Exodus ends, and --Moses gets to see the promised land from a mountain-only its overview- for he had too doubted the one and only God.

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