lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

The Kickoff (Bible Genesis 1 and 2)

The beginning of all times. The root. Described as simple as "Let there be light, and there was" . The creation of life, in only seven days. Light separated from darkness, water from land, and sky from sea. The creation of humans and animals. God's ideas were perfect, with no flaws. Everything had to fit together and work as clockworks. 
So along came man. The final mortal ruler of the world. Women created from our bare flesh, and for this matter they are part of us, and we are part of them. We are meant to leave our progenitors for our very own "ribs". 
We were in paradise. God gave it to us offered it to us. But only we were banned from one single tree of temptation. Even though, we committed the crime, and dared to eat from it, and were kicked out of paradise, to begin to be ashamed of our nudity. 
But the real question that I've always had in my mind is: How can you explain these seven days of miracles with science? Remember that science can be explained, but religion is just a matter of faith. 
First of all the main point of creation was to begin a civilization, to follow the light that was created. So God made man from dirt, and women from his ribs, (that were made of dirt). 
So, we could explain this by the division of cells, and the creation of the world we can say it was not seven days, but maybe 7,000,000,000,000 trillions of years. It was sure a long process, that in the end the person who does not want to believe, has many reasons not to, but again, its the amount of faith you have, to believe these things. 
This is probably one of the most important parts of genesis, and I would dare to say, in the whole bible, because its the very beginning. This is the only moment in all human history if you could say history, that we are innocent. From this point on, we as humans start to sin, to commit crime, and to disobey god. At this point all was fine, until we surrendered to the temptations of a single fruited tree, that let us out of the paradise, to never go back...
In the second chapter of genesis, the word LORD is restate many times in capital letters, referring to the one and only god of yours. This is because, from this point God tells us he is the true and only one, and that he is our Lord, and we shall obey him, in his commands, but at the same time we have freedom of choosing the path we want to take in life. 
Adam and Eve chose the rough one unfortunately, but that is how it came to be. This is the first step of creation and men in its interaction with himself, and the environment that surrounds him. 
Again, This is only the "genesis"(beginning), and there is much more to come. 

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