domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

(Exodus 1-15) Shaking Off The Egyptians

The first moment in history that hebrews are pursued. But the love of one of the mothers was greater than that of the orders of the Pharaoh. She put her son on a safety raft, and so he flowed with the river. 
The Pharaoh's choices were not coherent, it is mad to slaughter every hebrew boy born, but he had his reasons, he was afraid they might have taken over, but many other citizens disagreed, in fact the very daughter of the Pharaoh did. "she had compassion for him, and said this is one of the hebrew boys"(pg 67). 
This is the beginning of the end of hebrew slavery in Egypt. Its ironic that the Pharaoh having raised Moses, and Moses having end the Egyptian slave method. 
Then he fled  Egypt, for e wanted a true life, the real one and god appeared to him "God called on to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I" 
I think that the appearance, or at least the voice of God has to be terrifying, it has to be shocking. This is why Moses obeyed him, he followed him, the only God. 
Nevertheless, when The Supreme one informed him that he had to confront the Pharaoh, he doubted God. He questioned God. 
After this came the 10 plagues, because of the negligence, and evilness of the Pharaoh. The two brothers Moses and Aaron did not believe this possible, but it was, after witnessing what is today one of the biggest enigmas of history.  
The Pharaoh still refusing to let them go, suffered one of the most horrid punishment (plague) considered. The death of the primogenitors "and all the first born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of the Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the first born of the maid servant..." And so this was the end. They had succeed, their people were free. 
We Jews, have a tradition, or law that on every door of our home we place something called a "mezuzah" which is a small parchment rolled into a little metal or bronze capsule that is usually nicely decorated. This is resembling the blood of sheep that the jewish families had to spray on their doors, for as not to be visited by the angel of death that killed all of the egyptian children. Today instead of blood, thank God we use the mezuzah for protection in our homes. 
So finally we were free. And this was passover. " seven days shall yee eat unleaved bread; even the first day yee shall put away leaven out of your houses" and that we still do, its called Pesach. 
So, Moses lead the jews to the desert, and made many miracles opened the sea, and brought food upon them from the sky. The egyptians received their punishment in the Red Sea...

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...


It's ironic
Revise this sentence:
This is why Moses obeyed him, he followed him, the only God.