miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

(Gen. 10- 24) The Fight

And so Noah's generations continued to grow, until ambition appeared again. But this was to be expected, we are humans, we are animals hungry for power, and will do anything to achieve it. to repeat the story we wanted to reach God to prove that we our sublime beings. Don't we understand that we are just feeble, and ill whited animals, that say are superior, for as not to feel inferior? We compete in savage forms, that are not at all honest or equal. We just want our own benefit. And so we wanted to reach God by building a tower of material. 
God is flawless, so he changed every bodies language, and way of speech, and so harmed us with our most common and great fears: Difference. We can't cope with this, we are xenophobic, closed on to new cultures, and are wrapped tight into our own way of thought. 
In the other hand, maybe only few people seek good for others, and usually only people they love. Sarai gave permission to Abraham to have a child with Hagar, and so he did he, and Ishmael was born have hebrew have egyptian. Today arabic people are the direct decedents of him. But years later, God told Abraham, what was to be the beginning of the coveted ones, the jewish religion, he told him to circumcise himself, and then Sarai being 99 years old, she bore Isaac, and he was circumcised. From now on all jews were to be circumcised, as to convey our pact with God. 
This is the beginning of another new era, what was to be a problem in the 20th and 21st century between hebrews and arabs, and as far as I know, we are brothers, semites we are. Born from the same father. And still as humans we fight, and won't stop, until the other is not around to bother...

8 comentarios:

Victor Vainberg Sasson dijo...

I think that what you said about xenophobia and about the hunger for power and how we do anything to achieve it shouldnt be generalized. You shouldn't talk about "We" because not all of us are like this. However, I like the way you reflect on human feelings through time.

Victor Vainberg Sasson dijo...

Oh, and I also like how your blog is written in a poetic sort of way.

Anónimo dijo...

I like yout ideas but it would be great if you used some of the text to support your thoughts. I would also agree upon what you said about the way that man is savage and violent towards other humans. If we all come from the same place wahy do we fight because of our difrences?

Jose Maria Linares Sancho dijo...

Since being from Jewish religion you could've easily have written this blog without having actually read the chapters.

Eventhough, the way you interpret the transition there was between Noah and Abraham is quite intersting. Hoow the life of Abraham and birth of Ishmael changed the course of the religion itslef.

charlie acosta dijo...

the expressions in the wrighting are ok and you manage a well explanation that traps the reader but what I think that what is missing is more specific examples of the characteristics named such as xenophobia because it can be misunderstood as a generalization.I like the way you refer to the people or society as hungry and I liked the way in which you emphazised in being satisfied and to rech God and get sort of power by God.I also think that the main idea was clearly stated and that helps the reader to identify better the context in which the entry is written but overall it was a great point and ideas.

Jose Maria Linares Sancho dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
J. Tangen dijo...

I understand you had the holiday, but you should ahve at least read some of Exodus. Also, cite text. Without text, I don't even know that you're reading the KJV. As a hebrew reader it would be helpful to ahve your expert opinion of the transaltion.

2 -PROOFREAD! You saw the man mistakes here.

J. Tangen dijo...

many mistake. I don't know what man mistakes would be.