martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Enkidu's Peculiarities

Strong/Brave: "for the third time the bull of heaven bellowed and Uruk shook; and Enkidu fought the bull..." (pg. 33) He is brave to risk his own life for a city that is not his own., and obviously has to be strong to do it.
Revengeful/loyal to his principles: " Woe be to Gilgamesh for he insult Ishtar, for Gilgamesh found out and told the foulness of the goddess, and killed the bull of heaven which Anu sent in punishment from heaven to shake the city." Then Enkidu was enraged against the goddess." If I could reach you I would do to you what you have seen me do to the bull of heaven." (pg. 35) He is patriotic, he doesn't let this goddess get in their way. 
Loyal/Fraternal: "Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu together went hand in hand two brothers, to the Euphrates." (pg. 35). Together they are, like brothers from the same mother. 
Regretful/Miserable: When he was sick, dying in his bed reproaching his acts. "As for the harlot who brought me to the city, this is the curse of Enkidu against her." (pg. 39)
Hurried/Precipitated: Sees the glass have empty. I am aware that his death is approaching him, so he might as well thank he was here with Gilgamesh. " Then Shamash spoke and said to Enkidu: " Why do you curse the temple prostitute? Because of her you eat the food and drink the palace affords. Because of her you wear the garments suitable for a prince to wear; you sit in the place of honor nearest to the king; the great ones of the earth bow down before you. Gilgamesh is your friend and your companion. The grief of Gilgamesh for you will be the cause of woe and wailing in the city. Gilgamesh the king will build a statue to celebrate the fame of Enkidu. When you are gone, then Gilgamesh will wear the skins of beasts and hairy bodied wander grieving in the wilderness for you." Enkidu heard what Shamash said to him, and for a time his stormy heart was quiet,. He repented the curse, and blessed the Harlot. (pg. 40 41). Enkidu had not noticed this or thought of it before.  

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