domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Tabs. 10 -11 The Journey

Gilgamesh, in this chapters is in a state of grieving, as any of us, humans would be for the lose of a loved one. It is very interesting, that because of a friend that he suddenly met, and spent some time together, one can change his path in life, and his goals, and in some cases even the way you think. Gilgamesh was so shocked about his friend's death, that he went in the pursuit of infinite life. When he gets to the tavern, Gilgamesh, the mighty, is not recognized by its owner, since he is filthy, beaten, and dressed with a beast's fur. How can the terror, the powerful one change his appearance this way. This is very normal. We, as humans, as mortals, let our feelings change our mood,and our facade and there fore our goals. We change our paths, when we see an obstacle. We do not go over it, neither did Gilgamesh, he is a third mortal. "If you are Gilgamesh who killed the demon, and if you killed the lions in the passes, and if it is you who wrestled the Bull and killed him, why do you look like one who has undergone a terrible journey, why do you look like one who grieves, why do you wear the skin of a beast, why is it that you roam the wilderness?"(pg. 55). 
He does the impossible, crosses the oceans, and finds the boatman. In my opinion, we are determine people when we want to be. So when we are, we also try to do the impossible to achieve something, and many of us deep inside know it is inconceivable, but we still do it, to be in peace with our selves that we know that we at least tried. But we are not gods, unfortunately we can't cross the seas...
Next we hear a story, that we find familiar, but yet distant in the past. Utnapishtim tells a story about a flood, the gods, and a man that is a live because he build an ark, and brought with him all of the animals, and his family. He did not deserve to die, at last. It is not very clear to me why this story of Noah's Ark, and why God saved him, is here. What I think is that, in the search of Gilgamesh for how to avoid death, this is the answer. Noah's life was spared, because he was a good man, and the other citizens were out of their minds, and were disobeying God. In this moment Noah found the way to avoid death, he was alerted by God to build an ark. The conclusion is that you may avoid death each day, by making a different step in your day. You never know when it is your time.
Still Gilgamesh found a plant, that was arduous to get, which was called the plant "how the old man once again becomes a young man". This is the -fruit of life-, but when they stop to rest, a snake steals this flower, because its aroma was so powerful and beautiful. Gilgamesh suffers. 
So again, we have a similarity to the Exodus; a snake, and the fruit. Why? I don't know, but what I know is that Gilgamesh was never meant to have this flower. No one, not even him can be invincible, only The One and only God, the one I believe in, is eternal and immortal, the creator of all living things, the lord of the earth we dwell on. We must all die, its how it is meant to be, it is written on the books that only God posses, and that is the way it is supposed to be.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

How can the terror, the powerful one change his appearance this way.

Is this a question?

So again, we have a similarity to the Exodus; a snake, and the fruit. This should be a colon.