lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Fable and Dream

Apollo and Daphne:
This is a search, a journey towards love. This is a good story, since it can be used to interpret modern day life situations. It is not nature's course, that Apollo falls in love of Daphne. Cupid causes Apollo to fall in love of Daphne, but he is mean in my point of view, because his arrows are not for both of them to love each other for eternity, like any happy ending you would like. Those arrows make one love the other, and the other one be hostile to the lover. Cupid is one of the most evil gods there is, he is one of the few that causes sorrow. He makes love impossible, even thought, today we know him as the symbol of love, an endearing creature with wings, that shoots arrows at people, to make them fall in love, so as to make a better world. 
To me, Cupid is despicable, he causes Apollo to loose his mind about a woman, which leads to Daphne becoming a tree. 
This piece as, I can interpret it, and use it in life, is that, as it is people can sometimes, for jealousy, envy, or just because they desire it, will harm us. Make our lives as miserable as possible, only for their satisfaction. 
Unlike this unfortunate story of-one way love- , the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is a story of strong love affection, but as well as Apollo's, unreachable. 
To be banned to see, and embrace your lover, I think is one of the most terrible things that can happen. Love is the only thing in the world that can be unconditional, you can only love, if you really feel it. And what more honest than the love of two young kids? Their love was so pure, so strong, that the thought of living without each other was unbearable. Its incredible how one little misunderstanding led to that drastic end. What I like most about the epic stories of mythology, is that are very drastic, ad so leave a greater impact on the reader, and when those stories were created, their authors never imagined that they would be read, and put on to every day practice, and also referred to constantly by us. I think that love that is difficult to have, is the one you most seek...
But it just seems to be getting worse, and worse each time I read a Greek love story. They are so romantic, but yet fatal. The story of Cephalus and Procris is tremendously sad. 
To be unfaithful I think is terrible. I hate this, I loath it. It is like cheating on yourself, because you are not secure on what to do, or whom to be with. I suffered one of these situations, with my parents. It is aweful...
And again in this story, another misunderstanding leads the way to the tragedy. Brief but certain. 
In Diana and Actaeon's story, the love theme changes. This is more like a revenge, a quite bold story. As I said before these stories are very exaggerated, but this one... is the strangest of them. I know that in ancient greece, Virgins had to be respected. But I disagree on what goddess Diana did to Actaeon since it was not his fault to have encountered her in such activity. But well, Actaeon dies, attacked by his own dogs, in a beast's body, Diana is fine now, after this. 
What I can get from this is that you never know from what you are going to die, or how. I know that Actaeon did not expect this...
But a Story that many people know and can leave a mark, for those who are greedy, is King Midas's story. Greed can lead to misfortune. Ambition is good, for you need it in order to succeed in life, and advance in the cycle of society. But what is gold if you have abundance of it? Gold is valuable because its scarce and hard to get, thats why rocks are not valuable. But if everything you touch you want it to be gold, you will end up choking , in your own Midas's "touch". Richness can be good, but richness can drown you in its splendor...
The most interesting creature in greek mythology is Pegasus. He is a winged, mighty steed. This was maybe produced because of the desire of man to be free, to live, to fly in the sky, to overpass the barriers of their minds I think so. Pegasus led a brave fighter; Bellerophon to many victories in fight. Bellerophone was envied by many, and said to be coveted by the gods. He had a really successful life full of fame, but his death was miserable. But why? Are we condemned to loose our glory because of our wrinkles? Is man so basic, that we just see the outside, and when that is gone, what is in the inside, is worth nothing. 
Greek stories have many morals, and can be interpreted in many ways, but the sure thing is that they will always teach us something new. 

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