martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Where is your Hero?

Perseus was Zeus's and Danae's son. He was a half god, a hero. He sleighed medusa, the three headed dog, and defeated many enemies. He never had any injuries, and he was always victorious. But as I said, he was a god, and this is only a myth. So my question is: What would happen to a human (normal one, like me) if he tried to be a hero? Would he succeed? 
I think that thee are not Heros only in myths. Anyone, who has the will, and the conviction can be one. A hero can be different and do different things. The daily public force that can help us get our cat down from the the tree, to the man who delivers our mail, can be heros. Without them our lives would be much complicated, so isn't Helper a synonym for hero?..
We are not familiar with many heros now days. We are so self-centered, and think we are the best, we now for sure we don't need a helping hand, this is very wrong. We are humans. We need as much help as we can possibly have! My recommendation is to seek for a hero, even if its like your mother, or brother, they too can be heros. be flexible. Reach out for the hand. 
the bad side is that someday our heros will die... But only physically, since if they were good, they will remain in our memories and hearts for ever. This is because of the impact they made on us. We will remember. 
My hero is my Grandfather. He is that and more to me. But I also have popular heros like Moshe Ben Dayan (led the six day war, and camp david agreements), and Golda Meir ( Israeli prime minister). 
Find a Hero!

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

Golda Meir is world famous, as is Dayan. I would have liked to have seen more analysis of the text.



Where is Your Hero?

Revise sentence:
We are so self-centered, and think we are the best, we now for sure we don't need a helping hand, this is very wrong.