domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

What love can make you do.......

War is something tremendously serious. This is the fight for honor, freedom and power. The strongest one wins. The other one will lie defeated, on the ground. In a war the positions are very clear. Either you are here or there, but not in the middle. You cant. So What would happen, if a close one to you, would betray you, and leave you, and your campaign for the opponent? But sometimes love rules over us, like it did to Scylla, the daughter of Nisus, the king of Minos. She was in Love with the enemy. But what could she do? but the interesting part, is that thanks to her, the invaders fled. So we can draw the conclusion that a bad thing leads to a good one. the thing is that not always we will have this luck. 
When we disobey our parents, on not to be with a certain boy or girl, but we still do. But unfortunately we are not gods, and we can´t magically stop our children of doing stupid things, and actually that is part of life. In the story of Cupid and Psyche, she was so curios to see who her husband was, she killed their marriage. I always think that there are somethings that are better left off, without knowing them, for our own good. I can say this from personal experience. Curiosity is a curse sometimes. 
Even when we think only the young and unexperienced make mistakes, we realize the experienced ones can too make them. Taking the story of Venus and Adonis as an example, we are humans. We have evolved in to an immense ball of emotions, which rule us as people. So even when we think we are standing on land, we might as well be on sand. Perhaps i am in love, but instead i feel a pain in my heart, to replace that emotion with something bitter, because in my subconscious I can't accept love, or because it frustrates me because I know I cant have it...
Our brain is very powerful, it can make us see many things.
Fortunately for our senses, it is unavoidable, it is a human feeling, that can't be torn away. This is it. This is love. 

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