martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

"The Green Eyed Monster" that lies between us...

Jealousy. Again, a common feeling between humans. It is an emotion that similar to envy, it can make us do many things, we might repent. For example in the case of a couple, if the man is cheating on his wife probably, she will make him suffer the consequences by divorce or separation. The thing is that some of us, take this situations differently too. some of us react better than others. A wife might not divorce, but be more drastic and give death to her husband...
In case of the gods, using Juno's story as an example, she turned her rivals into animals, but of pity gave one back its form, but the other, is now the great bear... Again I will say this and keep on saying it: We are not gods. We can't act like them ,we have to use human behavior. 
So could a man or a woman love so much their pair, to be capable of taking the life out of another one? 
Jealousy can come in many forms. the reaction of the person feeling it, may make him or her to become self centered, or to detach from what they love. To feel miserable, and forgotten too. 
I can say this is a common feeling between us, because there is always, always going to be someone better than us, smarter, richer, taller, better looking, or more mind witted. Earth is full of this. One has to think; I am not the best, but still not the worst. With having this said, some people are not as strong emotionally as others. If one feels envy they might drop everything they have fought for, and worked for. Life might loose value to them, finally bringing death to themselves, This is the maximum point of reaction to the green eyed fellow. 
There are more ways to be Jealous such as if someone exceeds on a subject and you don't, or maybe in school with a sport or something. But this is not as deep as being snatched away from your lover... But how could I know? Well, when I was a Child I had the misfortune of being a kid with split up parents. Oh, but my mother had a good reason; my father, as he is had been with another woman, so my mother said this was the end of it, and so at 10 years old, my parents were divorced, after 11 years of marriage. My point with this is that someone indirectly can suffer the consequences of jealousy, even though in this case it was also a little bit of self awareness of being replaced. 
In the end, our emotions finally rule over us, and we can do little to help it. But, hey, that is what life is all about, isn't it? 

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