domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

The Resolution, Tablet 12

Enkidu rises from the dead, he tells the story of the under world. This is a very captivating ending, since it is probably the most fictitious part of the poem, since death is definite. But well, even thought it was very simple the way he rose, just like vapor...
Gilgamesh is a very intelligent and charming poem, for a person who can find the richness in it, and enjoy it. Many people can't do this. I felt safe and aware in most of the poem, but the parts that were not so clear to me, was because it was for the spectator to go deeper, but I went as far down as it was possible for my young, and unexperienced mind. 
This poem is much more profound that Star Wars, and with more legacy, and I can say this without ever have watched a Star Wars movie in my life.

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