martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Modest or Proud?

The difference between a modest person and a Show- off  one, is that the modest one could brag about something but doesn't because they have the ability of humbleness, and know that this is correct. People who are Proud, show offs, flamboyant, and overbearing, tend to not do so well in life, because people hate snobs who brag about what they have or can do. 
In the story of Niobe, we can see, that to be bossy can lead to miserable moments, although not as drastic as in the story...
I think that most people who brag, do this because they don't have anything else to talk about, or show good aspects of themselves. these people are selfish, and almost never have something good to say, and besides, no body likes show- offs. Life is about enjoying what you have, but not showing it to everyone, because you might loose it; envy and malice is a common aspect of humans. But it is inevitable that we compete. " I have more, mines' better, I can do it best" all of these phrases can lead us into trouble in society. 
Instead a humble, or modest person that has a lot, but can lay low, and keep it quiet will enjoy live much more, even if you have less. This is  because, if you have everything it is possible to have, you will never enjoy this neat stuff you have, since it is all over the place. You won't appreciate it as much as f you only had one. It is like gold; if there was a lot, no one would care about it. Be humble, be unassertive, this is the way to succeed.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...


no body
appreciate it as much as f you only had one
People who are Proud,