jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

The Way To GO (brief description)

GO is a game based on a 19 by 19 board, played by two opponents. It is played with two different colored stones (many of them). The objective is to capture your opponents stones by surrounding them. this is called atari. The stones must be placed only in intersections. It can get very complex, and it has difficulty levels, from 50 kyu to 1 dan.
It is mostly a strategy game, but involves inner thought, since the stones are not killed just, captured, and it envolves defense not attacking. Surviving is the way to go. Two sides, two teams. Two points of view.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Grammar (words that sound alike)

1. Where is my jacket? I wanted to wear it today, and if I can't find it, we're going to be late.
2. Jane wanted to go on the school trip, but her mother said that two hundred dollars was too much for the family budget.
3. As she waited for Rodney to become conscious, Selma was seized with an attack of conscience--was there anything she could have done to prevent the accident?
4. The map led the intrepid treasure hunters to a lead box of precious stones.
5. Have you seen their coats? They're going to need them; it's cold outside. I last saw the coats over there .
6. After conducting careful research, Shufang had a brilliant idea ; she'd write a paper on Thomas More's concept of the ideal society in Utopia.
7. Even though Bob would rather play video games than study, he decided to hit the books and then play some Halo.
8. It's easy to admire a business that puts so much effort into creating its signs and window displays.
9. You're fortunate to have survived the car crash without a scratch; it must have been because you were wearing your seat belt.
10. I would advise you to seek qualified legal advice about how to handle this situation.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

A New Book, A New Way of Thinking

I found Confucius particularly interesting and intriguing for two reasons (but yet more to be found). One: It is not a jewish, islamic, or christian/catholic book, and that for me is great because I feel I can get away of cultural and political backgrounds and history for just a second. When I read Confucius one can sense a book filled with knowledge, and with teachings, but I don't quite feel them as the teachings that I receive in school (some are just a boring speech, and a worksheet to be completed), these are like advices, experiences, that you simply absorb. 
These are things you want to learn... It can be absorbed in many ways, and many interpretations can be made.
Two: Each Book is focused on one region of the human life. It tells you before hand what you have to expect and if you are not interested in what that book has to say, you just skip it. It is a relaxed type of reading: not much attention has to be paid to get a message (Not guaranteed you will get the best but...) It makes you enjoy it. 
I will try and remember the most I can about it, for it is a human lesson to be learned in a passive way. 
Enjoy every moment in life...

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Presidential Gestures

On Obama's acceptance speech he is confident as he has always been, but now that he is Mr. President he has a straight and penetrating look. He owes nothing to the people. Looks determined to achieve his so promised oaths. He is definitely efficient to convince his audience, but he doesn't have to put much effort into this, they after all chose him President of The United States of America. He is a professional doing this, that is his job, that is what made him win. He uses lots of hand gestures and moves his body towards the people. Nods a lot. 
We ought to get used to the public speaking skills of this man, for we will be hearing him for the next 4 years...

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

Elie and Job

Comparing the Bible, a sacred and holy text to a memoir of a holocaust surviver, is not to be done, for there would be no chance of getting to a conclusion that is worthy enough for the memoire or the Bible.
Indeed, in Night, Job is mentioned, for Elie (protagonist...) lost his faith in God. For me the memoire is more vivid, It is actually more vivid, you can feel the pain, sorrow, anger, and hunger. 
This is actually a story that is credible, and we know that it is a true one. Unlike Night, we just have to have faith, to be able to see the Bible just as a memoir and teachings book too. 
Now the difference is that in Exodus, the Jews were saved by moses; a leader...
So was that the problem? Lack of a leader in order to save the jews from the camps? 
I don't know. I will never know. Probably my most accurate answer would be that since Exodus to The Holocaust, many things have changed, including the people, so maybe they were not meant to be saved, even though I will always hate to think that... I guess it was not God who saved them, but Moses, and we just interpret the order of God to Moses in a wrong way. 
Night is not just a book, it is historical context (recent one). It is 6 million of my people, including 60 of my family members who perished too. 
The Bible just doesn't get me as much as the Holocaust, its just more distant...

In my opinion, we were asked to read Job in conjunction to Night, because the Jews in the concentration camps, were put to test by God (if you can say that) as well as Job. He was put to test of his faith. The Jews were put to test to see how much did they believe in God, and to question themselves even if he existed, and why (if he did) were they there. 
The test was that if after this tragedy they would still believe in him. Many did. Many did not.
The thing is to always believe, no matter if good or bad overtake you. God is here not only to be around for good things but for evil ones too. He was not the author of this. We ALL have free will. And everyone of us one day will be judge upon him and by him, and that will be the only day that will matter for us to see if we were on the good side or the dark one. 
Choose well for you will be judge in the highest of all courts... 

martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

The Journey (Exodus 16-35)

"I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them wether they will walk in my law or no. An it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gathered daily. " (Exodus 16:4). 
In my perspective, this sis one of the most important moments of the journey from egypt to Eretz Canaan. This is because the people in the desert were hungry and thirsty, if they had trusted Moses on to leading them into the desert by God, they expected food too. So this was the first proof of faith that God had of whom really believed in him. Some of them gathered more than one ration of food, because they were afraid that they might not have tomorrow. The people who had enough were satisfied, but the ones who grabbed more, and this is one of the first moments that greed happens, there extra ration rotted, and they could not enjoy it, and for that matter, nor did anyone. When I read this part of the Bible in Hebrew, it said that this Mana tasted of whatever you wanted it to taste like. 
and this is why, this mistrust led to that long long forty year walk in the desert which walking normally it would only take about ten to fifteen days. God needed to wipe out clean all of the people which once had doubted him. And for new trustful generations to merge. Moses was included in this group of people, he sometime had not believed in God, and had doubted him and questioned his actions...
"Yee shall offer no strange incense there on nor burnt sacrifice, no meat sacrifice, neither shall yee pour drink offering there on. And aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it ones in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the year shall he make attonment upon it troughout your generations: it is most holly un to the lord." (Exodus 30:9)
and finally here comes one of our jewish first traditions: Not to mix meat with milk, and Yom kippur, the asking of forgiveness, and the sounding of the horn of the goat (Shofar).

In mount sinai Moses hiked and hiked for many days to receive the commandments of God. Finally he came down with the stone tablets. But what he saw was astonishing. His people had made a golden statue and were worshipping it. I imagine this every time I think about it. Moses this great leader having freed all of this people from slavery and no them being insolent by dishonoring God? This was exactly why God left them in the desert for forty years, he needed a pure keen. Moses dropped the tablets from anger,  and God was angry, so he had to go up again for days, to get new tablets.... Exodus ends, and --Moses gets to see the promised land from a mountain-only its overview- for he had too doubted the one and only God.

Pulp Fiction Quote (Ezekiel 25:17)

By chance I was watching the movie by Quentin Tarantino "Pulp Fiction", and in one of the scenes a character cites a passage from the bible. But as a fan of Tarantino's movies I looked into the KJV, and the passage was not the same. It had been adapted by Tarantino and Samuel Jackson to generate popularity. 
The following is the original passage from the KJV:

"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them."

This is the passage from "Pulp Fiction":

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.”

Its interesting that in this movie many details in scenes are from other famous movies, plays or texts...

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

(Exodus 1-15) Shaking Off The Egyptians

The first moment in history that hebrews are pursued. But the love of one of the mothers was greater than that of the orders of the Pharaoh. She put her son on a safety raft, and so he flowed with the river. 
The Pharaoh's choices were not coherent, it is mad to slaughter every hebrew boy born, but he had his reasons, he was afraid they might have taken over, but many other citizens disagreed, in fact the very daughter of the Pharaoh did. "she had compassion for him, and said this is one of the hebrew boys"(pg 67). 
This is the beginning of the end of hebrew slavery in Egypt. Its ironic that the Pharaoh having raised Moses, and Moses having end the Egyptian slave method. 
Then he fled  Egypt, for e wanted a true life, the real one and god appeared to him "God called on to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I" 
I think that the appearance, or at least the voice of God has to be terrifying, it has to be shocking. This is why Moses obeyed him, he followed him, the only God. 
Nevertheless, when The Supreme one informed him that he had to confront the Pharaoh, he doubted God. He questioned God. 
After this came the 10 plagues, because of the negligence, and evilness of the Pharaoh. The two brothers Moses and Aaron did not believe this possible, but it was, after witnessing what is today one of the biggest enigmas of history.  
The Pharaoh still refusing to let them go, suffered one of the most horrid punishment (plague) considered. The death of the primogenitors "and all the first born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of the Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the first born of the maid servant..." And so this was the end. They had succeed, their people were free. 
We Jews, have a tradition, or law that on every door of our home we place something called a "mezuzah" which is a small parchment rolled into a little metal or bronze capsule that is usually nicely decorated. This is resembling the blood of sheep that the jewish families had to spray on their doors, for as not to be visited by the angel of death that killed all of the egyptian children. Today instead of blood, thank God we use the mezuzah for protection in our homes. 
So finally we were free. And this was passover. " seven days shall yee eat unleaved bread; even the first day yee shall put away leaven out of your houses" and that we still do, its called Pesach. 
So, Moses lead the jews to the desert, and made many miracles opened the sea, and brought food upon them from the sky. The egyptians received their punishment in the Red Sea...

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

(Gen. 10- 24) The Fight

And so Noah's generations continued to grow, until ambition appeared again. But this was to be expected, we are humans, we are animals hungry for power, and will do anything to achieve it. to repeat the story we wanted to reach God to prove that we our sublime beings. Don't we understand that we are just feeble, and ill whited animals, that say are superior, for as not to feel inferior? We compete in savage forms, that are not at all honest or equal. We just want our own benefit. And so we wanted to reach God by building a tower of material. 
God is flawless, so he changed every bodies language, and way of speech, and so harmed us with our most common and great fears: Difference. We can't cope with this, we are xenophobic, closed on to new cultures, and are wrapped tight into our own way of thought. 
In the other hand, maybe only few people seek good for others, and usually only people they love. Sarai gave permission to Abraham to have a child with Hagar, and so he did he, and Ishmael was born have hebrew have egyptian. Today arabic people are the direct decedents of him. But years later, God told Abraham, what was to be the beginning of the coveted ones, the jewish religion, he told him to circumcise himself, and then Sarai being 99 years old, she bore Isaac, and he was circumcised. From now on all jews were to be circumcised, as to convey our pact with God. 
This is the beginning of another new era, what was to be a problem in the 20th and 21st century between hebrews and arabs, and as far as I know, we are brothers, semites we are. Born from the same father. And still as humans we fight, and won't stop, until the other is not around to bother...

Metering the poem

The/ vi/le cu/shi/ons/ a/bove/ the/ air/      A

Wee/ping/ the/ de/ath/ of/ the/ sun/,         B

The/ stre/ets/ res/ting/ full /of /des/pair/    A

Shoo/ting /his/ te/ars wi/th a /gun/,           B

Hit/ by/ bul/lets/, cry/ing/ in/ pa/in             C

Walk/ing/ a/lone/ ben/eath/ the/ rain/       C



(Gen. 3-9) Temptation Leads to Perdition, but outstanding leaves you standing...

Eve was the guilty one for having eaten from the prohibited tree. From all the trees in the garden, she had to choose to disobey the supreme one, and eat from it. By eating from it, she automatically accepted the punishment. 
What's funny is that we never learn. We keep on eating from the forbidden tree, for the reason that its forbidden. When they sinned is a very important moment because they realize they are naked, that they have shame, and that after disobeying God they will need to make their own way. 
They were left on their own, and so came Cain and Abel. And he killed his brother from envy, from still his animal instincts. So he was punished by God, as we are punished now days for our sins. We multiplied after years to create a civilization that could be self sustained, we needed a civilization, a new way of life, for as to paradise, we are never to return...
As we rose into society we learned how to sin, and how to be mischievous. Thats why the flood came. We couldn't continue living that way, imagine, what we would be now; the scum of all scums. 
"And God remembered Noah" This is proof that the just ones will never pay for sinners. God will remember you if you are good, and behave and follow his laws. Being good will always pay off. So what happened with Noah, and his ark, into a new way of living, with new people, and ideas, has happened to modern history many times. 
we have changed our clothing, our political leaders, we have followed many of them, we have built and destroyed, we have gone to wars, and then rise back. This is what I think life consists of. Learning, and changing. Replacement comes within our hands, and we accept it. 

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

The Kickoff (Bible Genesis 1 and 2)

The beginning of all times. The root. Described as simple as "Let there be light, and there was" . The creation of life, in only seven days. Light separated from darkness, water from land, and sky from sea. The creation of humans and animals. God's ideas were perfect, with no flaws. Everything had to fit together and work as clockworks. 
So along came man. The final mortal ruler of the world. Women created from our bare flesh, and for this matter they are part of us, and we are part of them. We are meant to leave our progenitors for our very own "ribs". 
We were in paradise. God gave it to us offered it to us. But only we were banned from one single tree of temptation. Even though, we committed the crime, and dared to eat from it, and were kicked out of paradise, to begin to be ashamed of our nudity. 
But the real question that I've always had in my mind is: How can you explain these seven days of miracles with science? Remember that science can be explained, but religion is just a matter of faith. 
First of all the main point of creation was to begin a civilization, to follow the light that was created. So God made man from dirt, and women from his ribs, (that were made of dirt). 
So, we could explain this by the division of cells, and the creation of the world we can say it was not seven days, but maybe 7,000,000,000,000 trillions of years. It was sure a long process, that in the end the person who does not want to believe, has many reasons not to, but again, its the amount of faith you have, to believe these things. 
This is probably one of the most important parts of genesis, and I would dare to say, in the whole bible, because its the very beginning. This is the only moment in all human history if you could say history, that we are innocent. From this point on, we as humans start to sin, to commit crime, and to disobey god. At this point all was fine, until we surrendered to the temptations of a single fruited tree, that let us out of the paradise, to never go back...
In the second chapter of genesis, the word LORD is restate many times in capital letters, referring to the one and only god of yours. This is because, from this point God tells us he is the true and only one, and that he is our Lord, and we shall obey him, in his commands, but at the same time we have freedom of choosing the path we want to take in life. 
Adam and Eve chose the rough one unfortunately, but that is how it came to be. This is the first step of creation and men in its interaction with himself, and the environment that surrounds him. 
Again, This is only the "genesis"(beginning), and there is much more to come. 

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

The Beginning of The Holy Book (preface, ch.1,ch.6,ch.10,ch. 11)

From the first glimpse of this strong writing I can already tell the magnitude of its importance. In my point of view it's the kind of writing that can transmit many different things to every body. One can understand it and have a different message from the other. 
It is also nice to hear some credit for the bible from the Jewish side. 
This book is not completely religious. It is political, social, and psychological. It can change someone's ways to think, if it gets into their skin. It is fantastic, it's a unique book, with wisdom from thousands of years ago, and full of mysteries to uncover. It reflects the situations, ad feelings of the people from the time, and will rise to tell us a story...
The death of the Queen, its like the death to the country, it's the face of it being torn off. But in the end the people are still alive and well... Live goes on, fast and well, as the chain continues for who knows how long. Each time a new queen, each time more books, and more achievements. 

The introduction of a new ruler, always  exiting at the beginning when they are young and naive. But as time passes the job just gets harder and herder. You would think that being a king or queen would be a piece of cake, but it certainly isn't. It is not a good system, and that is why we don't have it now days. To be a king leaves you with the responsibility of the people and the empire. You can't quite take the risk of messing it up. You can't undo, or replay, i the meantime you rule, you learn and gain experience. Hardships will be, and a companion they may have, because they will need all the help they can have. I admire some Kings. I admire the ones who respected other peoples, and were fair with the people. and this is what leads to be honored by your own people with something like a bible...

As it has been for all times, some groups of people do not always agree with the rest. Division came upon these thoughts of indifference. Division caused fights in the country, and finally the break up of some peoples called the Puritans, and the birth of the Lutherans, Protestants, and more branches of Christianity. Some people were frightened for the amount of power, or the ideas that could harm them from another group, or person, and because of fright and envy they managed to convince the peoples that the innocent were guilty. Guilty of life, of thought, and of leadership. The maximum punishment was applied to the faultless. Death, and then followed (if they were lucky enough to be dead by now) the profanation of their bodies. Mutilation, and the separation of the body parts was completed by displaying these grotesque sights to the public as a warning. 
So as for God's Secretaries, we can all be, we can all interpret in our own what what we read from god's book. We can all help the divine one. But as far as King James, he did nothing to provoke this chaos directly, he had no interaction with the people. 

Grammar exercises 1 and 2

1. In dealing with students on the high-school level - that is, the second, third, and forth year of high school - we must bear in mind that to some degree they are at a difficult psychological stage, generally called adolescence. Students at this level are likely to be confused mentally, to be subject to involuntary distractions and romantic dreaminess. They are basically timid or self-conscious; they lack frankness and are usually very sensitive but hate to admit it. They are motivated either by great ambition, probably out of all proportion to their capabilities, or by extreme laziness caused by the fear of not succeeding or attaining their objectives. Fundamentally they want to be kept busy but they refuse to admit it. They are frequently the victims of earlier poor training, and this makes every effort doubly hard. They are usually willing to work, but they hate to work without obtaining the results they think they should obtain. Their critical faculties are beginning to develop and they are critical of their instructors and of the materials they are given to learn. They are beginning to feel the pressure of time; and although they seldom say so, they really want to be consulted and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs, but they need considerable guidance.

2. They seldom admit that they need this guidance and they frequently rebel against it, but if it is intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm. If they are healthy they are capable of long periods of concentration and an extraordinary amount of work. They are trying, most of them, to form political ideas and they have a tendency to be either extremely idealistic ( which is usually another term for radical ) or conservative, blindly accepting what their fathers and grandfathers believed in. It is in this period that students can be most easily and permanently influenced. It is the period in which they form strong attachments for their teachers. Their outlook on life is usually extremely exaggerated. They are either far too modest and retiring, or extravagantly boastful. They are much more susceptible to the influence of a strong personality than to that of a great intelligence. Of all periods of life, this is what may best be called the 'plastic age'.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

The Key for Success

Penelope's story is one of the most interesting ones that I find. The idea of knitting a piece of clothing, knitting a story, and a bulletproof plan is genius. There are many ways to tell someone to back off, to get away or to just forget it. But the idea of doing it in a nice, and reasonable way, is the best way one can employ. I wish I could always reject invitations or proposals in a nice way, because I don't really want them. Sometimes I even accept them because I'm incapable of saying no. This is one of my biggest defects. 
Fittingly, Penelope succeeded in this aspect of social life, and more so she was loyal to her husband; she followed her principals, and what she knew was was the right thing to do. Loyalty is extremely vital for a relationship to function in the honest and religious way. 
And I am sure that ( and from personal experience) when one is loyal, even thought you have to wait for ten years-  it will be worth it, it will be worth the wait, and you will feel extremely satisfied with yourself, for doing what you did. 
Penelope's determination was also an important factor. If she had not had this determination, her goal had never been accomplished. So is it a combination of determination and loyalty that lead to success? 
Maybe it just depends on what you feel like accomplishing, and how much you want it. 

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008


1. Where is my jacket? I wanted to wear it today, and if I can't find it, we’re going to be late.
2. Jane wanted to go on the school trip, but her mother said that two hundred dollars was too much for the family budget.
3. As she waited for Rodney to become conscious, Selma was seized with an attack of conscience -- was there anything she could have done to prevent the accident?
4. The map led the intrepid treasure hunters to a lead box of precious stones.
5. Have you seen their coats? They’re going to need them; it's cold outside. I last saw the coats over there.
6. After conducting careful research, Shufang had a brilliant idea ; she'd write a paper on Thomas More's concept of the ideal society in Utopia.
7. Even though Bob would rather play video games than study, he decided to hit the books and then play some Halo.
8. It’s easy to admire a business that puts so much effort into creating its signs and window displays.
9. You’re fortunate to have survived the car crash without a scratch; it must have been because you were wearing your seat belt.
10. I would advice you to seek qualified legal advise about how to handle this situation.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

"The Green Eyed Monster" that lies between us...

Jealousy. Again, a common feeling between humans. It is an emotion that similar to envy, it can make us do many things, we might repent. For example in the case of a couple, if the man is cheating on his wife probably, she will make him suffer the consequences by divorce or separation. The thing is that some of us, take this situations differently too. some of us react better than others. A wife might not divorce, but be more drastic and give death to her husband...
In case of the gods, using Juno's story as an example, she turned her rivals into animals, but of pity gave one back its form, but the other, is now the great bear... Again I will say this and keep on saying it: We are not gods. We can't act like them ,we have to use human behavior. 
So could a man or a woman love so much their pair, to be capable of taking the life out of another one? 
Jealousy can come in many forms. the reaction of the person feeling it, may make him or her to become self centered, or to detach from what they love. To feel miserable, and forgotten too. 
I can say this is a common feeling between us, because there is always, always going to be someone better than us, smarter, richer, taller, better looking, or more mind witted. Earth is full of this. One has to think; I am not the best, but still not the worst. With having this said, some people are not as strong emotionally as others. If one feels envy they might drop everything they have fought for, and worked for. Life might loose value to them, finally bringing death to themselves, This is the maximum point of reaction to the green eyed fellow. 
There are more ways to be Jealous such as if someone exceeds on a subject and you don't, or maybe in school with a sport or something. But this is not as deep as being snatched away from your lover... But how could I know? Well, when I was a Child I had the misfortune of being a kid with split up parents. Oh, but my mother had a good reason; my father, as he is had been with another woman, so my mother said this was the end of it, and so at 10 years old, my parents were divorced, after 11 years of marriage. My point with this is that someone indirectly can suffer the consequences of jealousy, even though in this case it was also a little bit of self awareness of being replaced. 
In the end, our emotions finally rule over us, and we can do little to help it. But, hey, that is what life is all about, isn't it? 

I , Ilan Pinski Farji , hereby understand and will abide by the Pre-AP/AP 
(Print your name)
Academy’s expectations, obligations, and admission/drop policy outlined below with respect to my 

admission status and standing in the Pre-AP/AP Course, English.
(Print the name of the Pre-AP/AP Course)
Pre-AP/AP Academy Expectations;
• Maintain Acceptable GPA,
• Motivated and Positive,
• Responsible and Dedicated Work Ethic,
• Attend Opportunity Day and/or Additional Review Classes, 
• Complete AP College Board Exam,
• Sign Pre-AP/AP Student Contract. 

Pre-AP/AP Academy Admission/Drop Policy;
• First Progress Report with Teacher’s Signed Approval…receive no course credit,
• End of First Semester with Teacher’s Signed Approval…receive only partial course credit for grade of 6.0+. No partial credit will be awarded for any grade below 6.0,
• Students who Drop Pre-AP/AP Courses or who Do Not take the College Board AP Exam will have the Pre-AP/AP Designation for that course removed from their transcript and they will not receive any grade or GPA enhancement awarded for taking that Pre-AP/AP course.

Please note that at any time during the school year if the teacher deems that you are not meeting the expectations above for any or all reasons, then that teacher will require that you sign an additional academic probation contract. Your admission status and/or removal from the above identified Pre-AP Course will then be re-assessed based on your abiding by the academic probation contract signed and agreed to by you and the respective Pre-AP/AP Teacher.

Student Signature of Agreement, 

Ilan Pinski Farji Date: September 23 2008

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

What love can make you do.......

War is something tremendously serious. This is the fight for honor, freedom and power. The strongest one wins. The other one will lie defeated, on the ground. In a war the positions are very clear. Either you are here or there, but not in the middle. You cant. So What would happen, if a close one to you, would betray you, and leave you, and your campaign for the opponent? But sometimes love rules over us, like it did to Scylla, the daughter of Nisus, the king of Minos. She was in Love with the enemy. But what could she do? but the interesting part, is that thanks to her, the invaders fled. So we can draw the conclusion that a bad thing leads to a good one. the thing is that not always we will have this luck. 
When we disobey our parents, on not to be with a certain boy or girl, but we still do. But unfortunately we are not gods, and we can´t magically stop our children of doing stupid things, and actually that is part of life. In the story of Cupid and Psyche, she was so curios to see who her husband was, she killed their marriage. I always think that there are somethings that are better left off, without knowing them, for our own good. I can say this from personal experience. Curiosity is a curse sometimes. 
Even when we think only the young and unexperienced make mistakes, we realize the experienced ones can too make them. Taking the story of Venus and Adonis as an example, we are humans. We have evolved in to an immense ball of emotions, which rule us as people. So even when we think we are standing on land, we might as well be on sand. Perhaps i am in love, but instead i feel a pain in my heart, to replace that emotion with something bitter, because in my subconscious I can't accept love, or because it frustrates me because I know I cant have it...
Our brain is very powerful, it can make us see many things.
Fortunately for our senses, it is unavoidable, it is a human feeling, that can't be torn away. This is it. This is love. 

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Where is your Hero?

Perseus was Zeus's and Danae's son. He was a half god, a hero. He sleighed medusa, the three headed dog, and defeated many enemies. He never had any injuries, and he was always victorious. But as I said, he was a god, and this is only a myth. So my question is: What would happen to a human (normal one, like me) if he tried to be a hero? Would he succeed? 
I think that thee are not Heros only in myths. Anyone, who has the will, and the conviction can be one. A hero can be different and do different things. The daily public force that can help us get our cat down from the the tree, to the man who delivers our mail, can be heros. Without them our lives would be much complicated, so isn't Helper a synonym for hero?..
We are not familiar with many heros now days. We are so self-centered, and think we are the best, we now for sure we don't need a helping hand, this is very wrong. We are humans. We need as much help as we can possibly have! My recommendation is to seek for a hero, even if its like your mother, or brother, they too can be heros. be flexible. Reach out for the hand. 
the bad side is that someday our heros will die... But only physically, since if they were good, they will remain in our memories and hearts for ever. This is because of the impact they made on us. We will remember. 
My hero is my Grandfather. He is that and more to me. But I also have popular heros like Moshe Ben Dayan (led the six day war, and camp david agreements), and Golda Meir ( Israeli prime minister). 
Find a Hero!

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

The road to perdition...

To love oneself as much as Narcissus loved himself is not a healthy thing to do. Self esteem is very important, since you need to take care of yourself for not to harm your body. Also to have self respect, and be able to trust yourself, and be confident and stand high, with your head front. But some people have way to much of this, to the point were it is annoying and can get them into trouble for show-offs and obnoxious attitudes. Everything in excess is bad. 
Probably it wont be drastic enough to lead us into dying. But still the story is a good example of being "Narcissist"...The metaphor could be that it is possible to drown in your own beauty, like those beauty queens that for so much make up and surgeries, they turn out to be ugly, after this. Or because of taking care of the outside, you turn a bad person on the inside. All of this could be. Beauty is not all, the inside, the person you are and believe in, is more important than how you look (though I think there has to be a balance!). 
What would happen if beauty is lost? I don't really know, but I do know that if you are a good person, you won't let anybody down, even if you are not physically gifted...
in difference with Narcissus, Theseus was a true and brave hero, having sleighed the minotaur with his own hands to save his people. This is something pure. His strength, in this case, was what mattered. 
The greed, the ambition to have more, to be better is also bad in excess as it happened to Daedalus' son, Icarus, he just had learned to fly, so he wanted more, more power, higher, and without listening to advice, as we sometimes do, we then fall hard to the ground, observing how we rushed with excitement into something we had little experience on. this happens to us all the time.“Icarus, my son, I charge you to keep at a moderate height, for if you fly too low the damp will clog your wings, and if too high the heat will melt them. Keep near me and you will be safe.” Sometimes it takes more than one fall for us to learn, but sometimes, we don't have a second chance...

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Modest or Proud?

The difference between a modest person and a Show- off  one, is that the modest one could brag about something but doesn't because they have the ability of humbleness, and know that this is correct. People who are Proud, show offs, flamboyant, and overbearing, tend to not do so well in life, because people hate snobs who brag about what they have or can do. 
In the story of Niobe, we can see, that to be bossy can lead to miserable moments, although not as drastic as in the story...
I think that most people who brag, do this because they don't have anything else to talk about, or show good aspects of themselves. these people are selfish, and almost never have something good to say, and besides, no body likes show- offs. Life is about enjoying what you have, but not showing it to everyone, because you might loose it; envy and malice is a common aspect of humans. But it is inevitable that we compete. " I have more, mines' better, I can do it best" all of these phrases can lead us into trouble in society. 
Instead a humble, or modest person that has a lot, but can lay low, and keep it quiet will enjoy live much more, even if you have less. This is  because, if you have everything it is possible to have, you will never enjoy this neat stuff you have, since it is all over the place. You won't appreciate it as much as f you only had one. It is like gold; if there was a lot, no one would care about it. Be humble, be unassertive, this is the way to succeed.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Fable and Dream

Apollo and Daphne:
This is a search, a journey towards love. This is a good story, since it can be used to interpret modern day life situations. It is not nature's course, that Apollo falls in love of Daphne. Cupid causes Apollo to fall in love of Daphne, but he is mean in my point of view, because his arrows are not for both of them to love each other for eternity, like any happy ending you would like. Those arrows make one love the other, and the other one be hostile to the lover. Cupid is one of the most evil gods there is, he is one of the few that causes sorrow. He makes love impossible, even thought, today we know him as the symbol of love, an endearing creature with wings, that shoots arrows at people, to make them fall in love, so as to make a better world. 
To me, Cupid is despicable, he causes Apollo to loose his mind about a woman, which leads to Daphne becoming a tree. 
This piece as, I can interpret it, and use it in life, is that, as it is people can sometimes, for jealousy, envy, or just because they desire it, will harm us. Make our lives as miserable as possible, only for their satisfaction. 
Unlike this unfortunate story of-one way love- , the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is a story of strong love affection, but as well as Apollo's, unreachable. 
To be banned to see, and embrace your lover, I think is one of the most terrible things that can happen. Love is the only thing in the world that can be unconditional, you can only love, if you really feel it. And what more honest than the love of two young kids? Their love was so pure, so strong, that the thought of living without each other was unbearable. Its incredible how one little misunderstanding led to that drastic end. What I like most about the epic stories of mythology, is that are very drastic, ad so leave a greater impact on the reader, and when those stories were created, their authors never imagined that they would be read, and put on to every day practice, and also referred to constantly by us. I think that love that is difficult to have, is the one you most seek...
But it just seems to be getting worse, and worse each time I read a Greek love story. They are so romantic, but yet fatal. The story of Cephalus and Procris is tremendously sad. 
To be unfaithful I think is terrible. I hate this, I loath it. It is like cheating on yourself, because you are not secure on what to do, or whom to be with. I suffered one of these situations, with my parents. It is aweful...
And again in this story, another misunderstanding leads the way to the tragedy. Brief but certain. 
In Diana and Actaeon's story, the love theme changes. This is more like a revenge, a quite bold story. As I said before these stories are very exaggerated, but this one... is the strangest of them. I know that in ancient greece, Virgins had to be respected. But I disagree on what goddess Diana did to Actaeon since it was not his fault to have encountered her in such activity. But well, Actaeon dies, attacked by his own dogs, in a beast's body, Diana is fine now, after this. 
What I can get from this is that you never know from what you are going to die, or how. I know that Actaeon did not expect this...
But a Story that many people know and can leave a mark, for those who are greedy, is King Midas's story. Greed can lead to misfortune. Ambition is good, for you need it in order to succeed in life, and advance in the cycle of society. But what is gold if you have abundance of it? Gold is valuable because its scarce and hard to get, thats why rocks are not valuable. But if everything you touch you want it to be gold, you will end up choking , in your own Midas's "touch". Richness can be good, but richness can drown you in its splendor...
The most interesting creature in greek mythology is Pegasus. He is a winged, mighty steed. This was maybe produced because of the desire of man to be free, to live, to fly in the sky, to overpass the barriers of their minds I think so. Pegasus led a brave fighter; Bellerophon to many victories in fight. Bellerophone was envied by many, and said to be coveted by the gods. He had a really successful life full of fame, but his death was miserable. But why? Are we condemned to loose our glory because of our wrinkles? Is man so basic, that we just see the outside, and when that is gone, what is in the inside, is worth nothing. 
Greek stories have many morals, and can be interpreted in many ways, but the sure thing is that they will always teach us something new. 

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

The Resolution, Tablet 12

Enkidu rises from the dead, he tells the story of the under world. This is a very captivating ending, since it is probably the most fictitious part of the poem, since death is definite. But well, even thought it was very simple the way he rose, just like vapor...
Gilgamesh is a very intelligent and charming poem, for a person who can find the richness in it, and enjoy it. Many people can't do this. I felt safe and aware in most of the poem, but the parts that were not so clear to me, was because it was for the spectator to go deeper, but I went as far down as it was possible for my young, and unexperienced mind. 
This poem is much more profound that Star Wars, and with more legacy, and I can say this without ever have watched a Star Wars movie in my life.

Tabs. 10 -11 The Journey

Gilgamesh, in this chapters is in a state of grieving, as any of us, humans would be for the lose of a loved one. It is very interesting, that because of a friend that he suddenly met, and spent some time together, one can change his path in life, and his goals, and in some cases even the way you think. Gilgamesh was so shocked about his friend's death, that he went in the pursuit of infinite life. When he gets to the tavern, Gilgamesh, the mighty, is not recognized by its owner, since he is filthy, beaten, and dressed with a beast's fur. How can the terror, the powerful one change his appearance this way. This is very normal. We, as humans, as mortals, let our feelings change our mood,and our facade and there fore our goals. We change our paths, when we see an obstacle. We do not go over it, neither did Gilgamesh, he is a third mortal. "If you are Gilgamesh who killed the demon, and if you killed the lions in the passes, and if it is you who wrestled the Bull and killed him, why do you look like one who has undergone a terrible journey, why do you look like one who grieves, why do you wear the skin of a beast, why is it that you roam the wilderness?"(pg. 55). 
He does the impossible, crosses the oceans, and finds the boatman. In my opinion, we are determine people when we want to be. So when we are, we also try to do the impossible to achieve something, and many of us deep inside know it is inconceivable, but we still do it, to be in peace with our selves that we know that we at least tried. But we are not gods, unfortunately we can't cross the seas...
Next we hear a story, that we find familiar, but yet distant in the past. Utnapishtim tells a story about a flood, the gods, and a man that is a live because he build an ark, and brought with him all of the animals, and his family. He did not deserve to die, at last. It is not very clear to me why this story of Noah's Ark, and why God saved him, is here. What I think is that, in the search of Gilgamesh for how to avoid death, this is the answer. Noah's life was spared, because he was a good man, and the other citizens were out of their minds, and were disobeying God. In this moment Noah found the way to avoid death, he was alerted by God to build an ark. The conclusion is that you may avoid death each day, by making a different step in your day. You never know when it is your time.
Still Gilgamesh found a plant, that was arduous to get, which was called the plant "how the old man once again becomes a young man". This is the -fruit of life-, but when they stop to rest, a snake steals this flower, because its aroma was so powerful and beautiful. Gilgamesh suffers. 
So again, we have a similarity to the Exodus; a snake, and the fruit. Why? I don't know, but what I know is that Gilgamesh was never meant to have this flower. No one, not even him can be invincible, only The One and only God, the one I believe in, is eternal and immortal, the creator of all living things, the lord of the earth we dwell on. We must all die, its how it is meant to be, it is written on the books that only God posses, and that is the way it is supposed to be.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

The Leader Moe (Poem of my hero)

Moe, brave leader and wise
sees it coming and fights the ice
gathers his people, and looses the fire
there is no more place to hire.
Rushing time, there is none to loose
wisely choosing a path needed to proof,
he is the strong to find new roof.
Inside he is scared, is there somewhere to hide?
This white is too wide.
Mere instinct decides a cardinal point
and begins the journey with his head front.
Suns and moons come and go 
suddenly a strange color, Indigo.
This is a sign
that we stand high 
reached our new home and sigh.
        - By Ilan Pinski Farji 

Tablets VIII, IX The Quest

Enkidu's life ends. Gilgamesh mourns, the people mourn. Gilgamesh goes out to seek the answer to one question: How can death be avoided...?"and weeping saying: Enkidu has died. Must I die too? Must Gilgamesh be like that? Gilgamesh felt the fear of it in his belly. He said to himself that he would seek the son of Ubartutu, Utnapishtim, he, the only one of men by means of whom he might find out how death could be avoided." (pg. 48).
Being Gilgamesh a two thirds god, would validate his search. Obviously this makes more sense in a poem like this than it would make to us. But though, this pursuit is quite understandable. Who wants to die? No one, off course. We, as  people might sometimes wonder if there is a way. A way to avoid what is really the only inevitable thing in life. 
Death. What about it? As far as I know, no one knows what it is like, or if it has a face, or a color. Why are we humans so afraid of it? We think there is nothing worse than it. This is the maximum penalty: the end. But it could be the end of one life, and the beginning of another, who knows. Death comes and goes, its the circle of life. 
But about the poem; being Gilgamesh the main character, we think that he can't die (like in the Disney movies...), but before Enkidu's end, we thought that because he was the main character, he would outlive most of the ordinary humans. But no,no,no he died all right. This is what I like about this poem, even thought it is short, it is quick, and unpredictable. So, Gilgamesh seeing the death of his fellow partner, he is afraid, truly afraid. He goes seeking for an answer, for a cure for death, but will he find the impossible potion, the inconceivable cure the inevitable...

Sentences ex. 1

C. He left the scene of the accident and tried to forget that it had happened.


3. Oil which, is lighter than water, rises to the surface.

6. Madame de Stael was an attractive, gracious lady.


1. Nice is a word with many meanings ,and some of them are contradictory.


C. The contractor testified that the house was completed and that the work had

been done properly.


C.Some people refuse to go to the zoo because of pity for creatures that must

live in small cages.


5. Taxicabs that are dirty, are illegal in some cities.


5. The closet contained worn clothes, old shoes, and dirty hats.


C. The uninvited guest wore a dark blue tweed suit.


2. After surviving this ordeal, the trapper felt relieved.


3-prase. Mark Twain's early novels, I believe stand the test of time.


9. December 7, 1941, will never be forgotten.


7. The field was safe enough, wasn't it?


9. Write the editor of the Atlantic 8, Arlington Street, Boston, Massachusetts ,



2. He replied, "I have no idea what you mean."


2. After a good washing and grooming, the pup looked like a new dog.


2. Because of their opposition to institutions, that force creatures to live in

captivity, some people refuse to go to the zoo.


C. Men who are bald are frequently the ones who are the most authoritative on

the subject of baldness.


2. Vests which were once popular, have been out of vogue for several years.


2. As a celestial goddess, she regulated the course of the heavenly bodies and

controlled the alternating seasons.


C. I hope that some day he will learn how to be polite.

Sentences Ex 2

1. There was no question that John's painting, a huge colorful and ugly mural, was the worst entry in the art exhibit.

 2. Werner von Braun, Willy Ley, and Edward Teller noted authorities in the field of rocket development, have done much to guide the missile program of the United States.

 3. Mr. Cready's ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time is, I believe amazing.

 4. Running around the house, the dog was abruptly stopped by a fence.

 5. If the opposition should win, our candidate would never have any political future.

 6. Gracefully, lightly, and daintily the ballerina moved across the stage.

 7. Glamour, the woman's fashion magazine recently incorporated with Charmanother fashion journal.

 8. Joe was born on May 7, 1955 and his best friend was born exactly two months later on July 7, 1955.

 9. Mr. and Mrs. Kwon, my parents' best friends, sat in front of us at the football game.

 10. November 11, 1918 the armistice ending World War I was signed. 

Sentences Ex. 3

1. The problems involved in this operation ,are I think, numerous.

2. Celene, who does not usually tell anyone what she feels, said she didn't want to go to the dance.

3. To get tickets for some Broadway musicals, one has to order three months in advance.

4. Listening to the radio, Jun heard an announcement that Spangler, his own dog, was lost.

5. I used to live at 16689 Sutton Avenue, Milpitas, California, but we have since moved to 1895 Holland Way, Dubuque, Iowa.

6. The Valley of the Moon, the name of a section in Napa County, California, is the heart of the state's wine producing area.

7. Chris did not see how he could organize, write, and proofread this paper in only two hours.

8. By the pilings of the old pier, I found four starfish, a clam, and a sea anemone.

9. Yes, Helen did mention that all three of you were coming for lunch.

10. I relieve, therefore, that fraternities are good influences on a college campus.


martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Enkidu's Peculiarities

Strong/Brave: "for the third time the bull of heaven bellowed and Uruk shook; and Enkidu fought the bull..." (pg. 33) He is brave to risk his own life for a city that is not his own., and obviously has to be strong to do it.
Revengeful/loyal to his principles: " Woe be to Gilgamesh for he insult Ishtar, for Gilgamesh found out and told the foulness of the goddess, and killed the bull of heaven which Anu sent in punishment from heaven to shake the city." Then Enkidu was enraged against the goddess." If I could reach you I would do to you what you have seen me do to the bull of heaven." (pg. 35) He is patriotic, he doesn't let this goddess get in their way. 
Loyal/Fraternal: "Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu together went hand in hand two brothers, to the Euphrates." (pg. 35). Together they are, like brothers from the same mother. 
Regretful/Miserable: When he was sick, dying in his bed reproaching his acts. "As for the harlot who brought me to the city, this is the curse of Enkidu against her." (pg. 39)
Hurried/Precipitated: Sees the glass have empty. I am aware that his death is approaching him, so he might as well thank he was here with Gilgamesh. " Then Shamash spoke and said to Enkidu: " Why do you curse the temple prostitute? Because of her you eat the food and drink the palace affords. Because of her you wear the garments suitable for a prince to wear; you sit in the place of honor nearest to the king; the great ones of the earth bow down before you. Gilgamesh is your friend and your companion. The grief of Gilgamesh for you will be the cause of woe and wailing in the city. Gilgamesh the king will build a statue to celebrate the fame of Enkidu. When you are gone, then Gilgamesh will wear the skins of beasts and hairy bodied wander grieving in the wilderness for you." Enkidu heard what Shamash said to him, and for a time his stormy heart was quiet,. He repented the curse, and blessed the Harlot. (pg. 40 41). Enkidu had not noticed this or thought of it before.  

Ch VI.VII The Fall of Enkidu

I will take the freedom to say, that this two chapters are a sort of a small climax in the poem because a character is on his death bed, because of Gilgamesh. Because of his beauty, and his high talented place. "Be my lover, be my husband," she spoke and said. "Give me the seed of your body..." (pg.29) Gilgamesh, as I come to understanding, and that way disagreeing, or accepting my naiveness about this poem, on my first entry, is a piece in which demons, gods, goddesses, and mythic creatures take place. This is the main aspect you have to have in mind before reading. I also understand now, that Gilgamesh is not only a showoff of a king, and a charlatan as I thought, but he knows what he wants, he is determined,  and is doing. He knows what is best, and what is up to his level. After this comment of the goddess, he says he is not interested. "The king of Uruk  has found out and told about my foulness."(pg. 32) He is a god, he is wise. this is the peak of the tablets; this unleashes the goddesses wrath. Enkidu and Gilgamesh sleighed the Bull of Heaven together. "They killed the Bull of Heaven and killed Huwawa, one of them must die, the one of them who felled the tallest cedar." then Enil said that Enkidu must die, but Gilgamesh the gifted must not die." (pg. 37).  I understand the fact that Gilgamesh is wise, and strong, and the mighty, but we still haven't found out what aspect of Enkidu is what makes him like Gilgamesh. In my point of view, they should both get punished, not only one. It is unfair. Enkidu gets sick, and lies in his death bed. He will die, but will be remembered, and probably Gilgamesh will take revenge of this...

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

The Truth behind the mask Tablets IV, V

Being a brief story, Gilgamesh repeats its text a lot. It says the same thing at least three times. This is not to my taste because it makes the story longer and dull. But maybe it is just a style, that later on we will understand it better. 
It all happens very quickly, and not even taken into consideration. To read this book I need all my attention on, so I don't miss any important details or sentences, because this is all about anallizing. Actually this is all metaphors, and going deep into the words. This book relates to Ishmael in the way that it can teach us about life and aspects of it, in a fictitious story, that is meant to be this way because if you want to talk about life, you must do it on an outside perspective. 
"Gilgamesh was afraid and Enkidu was afraid"(pg. 26) Gilgamesh previously is shown as the terror, as the mighty, the strong. But here he is as weak asa rat, he is scared. This is a human aspect in the way that we show our selves big, and brave, but many of us in the inside are just as feeble asa twig. Enkidu who is still wild and doesn't know the many faces of normal people, remains true to himself, and honest, as one should really be. 
After reading some more pages, I am getting tempted about this type of writing. I'm starting to appreciate it because it goes strait to the point, and it gives you a pure idea of what is going on but still leaves something for the imagination. What would have inspired this writings? 

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Gilgamesh Tablets I,II.III

I have to admit, Gilgamesh (the little I've read) is a very peculiar book. It begins with gods, maybe the creation of a war-like man, son of a god. It is like the creation of Adam, made out of clay. This man is powerful as Ninurta, the god of war. This takes place in some kind of city called Uruk, with its king being Gilgamesh. The hairy bodied wild man, who is Enkidu is freeing  all the gazelles from the trap pits of the grassland, so their is nothing to hunt, by the hunters who live near by. The hunter who saw him the first time, told his father, who told him to leave to Uruk to see Gilgamesh. "Go to Uruk, and there present yourself to Gilgamesh the king, who is the strongest of all, the perfect, the terror. The wise shepherd protector of the people."(pg. 6) And so the hunter went, and he brought back with him a harlot and a temple prostitute, to lie with her, and so he would not be with the wild creatures. He lied with her for seven days. She told him to go with her to Uruk, to Gilgamesh. Enkidu said yes, but he felt that his wild was different now, he was changing, as I see it. Becasue when he alone, he loved the wild, but after having eaten from the tree of humans, the tree of vice, I think he starts to loose that, and so separates from the wild. "His body that loved the range of the fields was now unable to follow;but in the mind of the wild man there was beginning a new understanding."(pg.9) They got to a Shepherd village where he drank beer and dressed in new clothes. He is starting to become each time more of a human. They got to Uruk, were Enkidu met Gilgamesh in a wdding were Gilgamesh could lay with the bride before the husband. This is very strange, this tells me that Gilgamesh is like the alfa male of Uruk, well he is the king but it seems that more than that. Enkidu still being an animal stepped in front of the doorway to the bride. They fought, Gilgamesh and Enkidu like beasts, like gods. "wild bulls, locked- horned and staggering staggered wrestling through the city streets. "(pg. 15) But then Enkidu couln't fight anymore, and so he said that Gilgamesh, was stronger, the terror. So they shook hands and kissed. They proceeded to enter the foret with armor to see who could cut down the cedar tree first. 
This is a very engrossing novel, story, or book, whatever it is. It talks about fable and gods. But again, like the past novel, I'm sure it has a deeper meaning than that, but it seems to me that it will be easier to reach, to find it, but maybe not to understand it. I'll just have to keep on "feeding" myself on this writing...

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Takers And Leavers: Definitions

The definitions we put together in class for Takers and Leavers, are very complete since they include the analysis of every one of us, if we wanted them more complete, we would have to ask Quinn himself to give us a hand! The important thing is that we understand the Taker and Leaver concept and what each means. I would add to the Taker definition that the moment that they learned to have food for tomorrow, they were out of the gods hands. This is what marks them as Takers too. To leavers I would add, that they know there is not one right way to live. 
The rest of the piece is fine. 

The Denouement Ch. 13

I can't find the words to describe what I'm feeling, or how much time it took me to write the couple of them I could manage to type. Finally when he decides a plan to rescue Ishmael in the carnival( not really a plan he, is a very spontaneous man), when he arrives there, all he sees is the ground. The carnival had moved on. He asked his bribee, what had happened. This a devastating moment in the story. Ishmael was dead. He had died of pneumonia that night. "Are you telling me that he's. . . dead?" "Dead is what he is , pardner." (pg. 261). So at last our teacher perished. He asked were his body was taken, and the answer was, to the county, were they cremate the roadkills. This is no honorable way to end the physical part of a wise "man" like this. But that was it. He made his way back home, and framed the poster that he had picked up at the carnival (that was from Ishmael's ), and framed it, to see that there were two sides of the poster (would it be only of the poster...). "WITH MAN GONE WILL THERE BE HOPE FOR GORILLA?" "WITH GORILLA GONE WILL THERE BE HOPE FOR MAN?" (pg 262, 263) This to me is the most important phrase in the book. Before I finished the book, my idea of this words, was that the only way for the other species to survive (not only gorillas), man has to die, so it won't do any more harm, and the world can flourish again. And the other side; for man to survive every species has to die, so it can consume the whole world ( what is or will be left of it), and that way satisfy itself. And eventually also die for the lack of resources, and harsh conditions on Earth. But... Man could not live without animals, he would also perish, we need them to survive, but on the contrary they don' need us, they can live on their own, and actually live better than with us around. So it is a tough statement... 
But now that I've just finished the novel (but had enough time to digest it), I can interpret those words in another way (without omitting the previous analysis). The knot, the relationship that Ishmael and the man created, could have been a reason for this poster, and it was meant for the man to find it (even thought the poster was there before the man and his relationship,but maybe it was meant to happen this way, and Ishmael knew this, and so the poster can exist in the hands of this man, this way). So the question this poster asks in my point of view (my second point of view) is that if the man disappears from Ishmael's life, will the gorilla be able to cope with this? (maybe he couldn't cope because when he finished teaching the man everything he knew, they had to separate since there was nothing else to say, and so Ishmael couldn't manage not being with his friend, with whom he was  untroubled, and liked teaching him.) Or if the gorilla is gone will this man be able bear with this?(we don't know since the story ends with these quotations, but he seemed all right). But this is something we will never know, even though we wished we could, and so is left this magnificent story full of knowledge, in utter suspense, as any great novel is left, for someone to continue, or just for the sake of it. 

The Last Lap. Chapter 12

To buy Ishmael,to take him into care wouldn't be an easy task. But the protagonist is out for it, dealing the animal with the carnival owner. For now he is to expensive....
When they got into subject again:
"how did man become man"(pg 236) This is one of the most deep-rooted questions in the hole novel because it takes us back to nothing. We started of as being a bacteria and worked our way up as Australopithecus, when we were hunters and gatherers; Leavers. We accomplished this by living in the hands of the gods. But when we saw that we could have more food, so we didn't have to suffer tomorrow, we immediately shoved off of the gods hands. We immediately became Takers: Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But thanks to living on the gods hands we were able to evolve and were able to say: "we've had enough of living in the hands of gods" (pg 238). So according to the Taker story, when we appeared, creation stopped. but what I really think about this is that creation can never stop, not because we are here, it means we stop evolving. But the damage we are making to Earth, is sooner or later, not stop creation only, but Humanity. "The premise of the Taker story is that the world belongs to man. The premise of the Leaver story is that man belongs to the world." (pg. 239). I agree totally on the Leaver story, because we all came from the same place, and this is how things came to be this way. So why necessarily the world has to belong to men? Do we own a deed or something that demands property? We don't. So I am on The Leaver side, because we, on the other side do belong to the world, either you want it or not. "We were never meant to be the only players on this stage" (pg 242). Why do we keep on damaging the planet, and not going by the peace-keeping law? We are not the only ones here. Why do we have to exterminate other species only so we can have "the right way of living"? I am in total disagree with our culture. 
approaching the end of the novel, He repeats the first line of the novel "Must earnestly desire to save the world" (pg 248) He asks Ishmael how to achieve this; how to save the world. "The story of Genesis must be reversed. First Cain, must stop murdering Abel. This is essential if you're to survive. The Leavers are the endangered species most critical to the world- not because they're humans but because they alone can show the destroyers of the world that there is no one right way to live. And then of course, you must spit out the fruit of the forbidden tree. You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die n this planet." "Yes , I see all that , but that's a program for mankind, that's not a program for me. What do I do" "What you do is to teach a hundred what I've taught you , and inspire each of them to teach a hundred." (pg 248). And this is why we are reading this novel. Quinn was our own Ishmael teaching us, so we can teach too. " What you are saying is that someone has to stand up and become to the world of today, what Saint Paul was to the Roman Empire." (pg 249). We are in desperate need of someone that is able to guide us towards salvation of the human raze, and the world. This can be related to the movie Matrix Revolutions, when Neo (Reeves) is the chosen one to save the city of Zion containing all human raze in it. That is just what we need, or at least something similar to it. 
"You understand that I'm finished with you."(pg  253) This is how Ishmael's teachings resolute, and all that our protagonist could do was nod, but deep inside, the reader can tell, he is miserable, because he knows he has become close to this primate, and he doesn't want to leave him. But as far as I know he wont, I'm sure of it.